How to Fast Forward a Decision From Your Management
Some decisions in the laboratory can directly affect operational outcomes and larger capital requirements, such as specialist laboratory equipment that directly depends on higher management to approve the funding prior to purchase.
Delayed approvals may cause delay inefficiencies and output in your Laboratory Equipment. In this article, we have put a few ideas that have proven to be effective in working with your management to potentially fast forward this process.
There are some valid reasons why management decisions aren’t made in good time, but on the other hand there some things you can do to assist fast-forwarding the decision-making process.
Know your manager’s working style
It’s easier to get a project decision from your manager when you know your manager’s personality and working style. How does your management like the offers presented? Do they appreciate the attention to detail or just a brief comparison table with the options clean and visible? Do you have a visual manager? Take time to present the options to align with your manager/s style. This can save them the time and effort and assist with the decision-making process.
It is a great idea to ask your manager how they would like quotations presented, in most cases, they won’t hesitate to reveal this information to you.
Prepare your manager to make the decision
Once you have a handle on your manager’s working style, you have to prepare them to make a decision. This is called “Managing Up” and is a great communications exercise. Here are some approaches for communicating with your manager to get a verdict.
Provide your manager with 1-3 options about the decision, with details for each option.
Detail the pros and cons of all options and how they affect your laboratory processes.
Communicate the ROI and possible efficiencies this project/item could return to the organisation and it’s a laboratory.
Give the decision a deadline
Managers can be busy people which makes it even more important to attach a deadline to your decision request. It is a great idea to communicate the deadline as a potential block to progress:
E.g. I need a decision about A before we can progress with B.
Busy people generally respond to deadlines better and a deadline will give you a milestone on which to follow-up. A request for a decision without a deadline is easier to ignore for a busy individual as opposed to a decision with a deadline.
Follow up
It’s important to respect your manager’s time so ask your manager about their preferred method of follow up. Don’t follow up too soon as if you do, this can potentially result in a delayed decision.
Keep following up as “Persistence wears down resistance”, and after a few times with no answer, ask if there is any more support or information that you can provide them to assist with the decision.
Choose your moment and method to communicate as some managers don’t like to be approached as soon as they get in the door in the morning.
When getting a project decision from your manager or management team, it’s up to you to know how to get a decision for better or worse. It is a good idea to pay attention and take the time to learn about your team’s culture and your manager’s way of doing things as well as the right amount of follow-up needed amongst other skills. When you can get these decisions in good time for Laboratory Supplies Brisbane, you and your team can get on with the job with the improved efficiency of the decision outcome!