Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an item in stock?

Our website offers live stock figures on each product for you to check if an item is in stock and how many are currently available.

Why is my order taking so long with chemicals? 

When ordering dangerous goods chemicals, it can often add an extra 2-3 days on for delivery. This is because they need to travel separately to standard items.

Why can’t I see any chemicals online? 

To access chemicals online, you will need to logged in. (please note the login will need to be linked to a 30day account)

What is the dangerous goods charge?

The dangerous goods charge is $10 – this is not per item; this is per order (this amount could increase depending on the volume of chemicals being ordered)

Can I purchase chemicals if I do not have an account?

To purchase chemicals through Westlab, it is required you complete our online credit application which can be found here Once complete, you will have access to our full chemical range.

Why do I need to fill out an EUD form? 

There has been a tightening of the regulations around chemical supply. For specified EUD Required products, an End User Declaration (EUD) has to be completed each time they are purchased. The completed form and driver's licence will be forwarded to the Victorian State Police and your order will be dispatched once we receive approval. Note that schools are NOT exempt.

When placing your order, please email the completed EUD form and a copy of your licence to

My item is faulty, how can this be fixed?

Any items that are received faulty, please complete the online repair form found here.  Once completed, one of our service technicians will be in touch to discuss with you.

© 2024 Westlab Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. - ABN: 71 606 662 113