The Essential Role of Laboratory Balance in Scientific Research

Laboratory Balance

The Essential Role of Laboratory Balance in Scientific Research

Posted on the 14th of Jul 2023 by Westlab

A Laboratory Balance, or a lab scale, is pivotal in various scientific disciplines. Whether it's biology, chemistry, pharmacology, or environmental science, accurate and precise measurements provided by laboratory balances help ensure the reliability and validity of measurements al results. They can be electronic, digital, or analytical, and each can give an accurate result in any weighing measures. 

After much research and effort, scientists can now weigh even the smallest object on Earth. With the heaviest thing to the lightest weight, these scales give accurate results that can help deduce precise results effectively.

What Factors Play a Vital Role In the Result of Laboratory Balance?

A scale must have an appropriate design, size, calibration capacities, weighing capacity, and margin of error. In addition to these factors, a few external factors can also affect results- Like heat, surface balance, humidity in the air, etc. 

  • Buoyancy or floating power of an object
  • Friction
  • Wrong Judgment of results
  • Poor placement of the object
  • Evaporation
  • Gravitational abnormalities
  • Seismic disturbances   

To avoid such mistakes and errors, scientists must know the exact type of Laboratory Electronic Balance they need to draw perfect conclusions.

Different Types of Lab Balances for Precise Measurements

A Laboratory Balance is a type of precision instrument used to measure the mass of objects in a scientific laboratory. Different balances may be used to achieve the necessary level of accuracy and precision denoted by sensitivity. The sensitivity of a balance refers to the effect of surrounding while weighing an object. It includes changes in temperature, moisture in the air, and the inclusion of laboratory fumes and gases. 

Every balance is essential and plays a vital role in deducting solutions. Some of the commonly used balance instruments are as follows: 

  • Analytical Balance

Analytical balances are used to find the most precise masses. It can weigh up to 0.0001 g or 0.1 mg. All measurements are done in a highly controlled environment as it is highly sensitive to external factors. One external factor can change results. An analytical balance is the most used balance in all laboratory measurements s. 

  • Micro Balance

These balances are the sub-type of analytical balance but with extra precision and higher sensitivity. A micro balance can weigh as less as 0.0001 g or 0.01 mg. These balances are kept in a highly controlled environment to get perfect results. The result can vary by the addition of air, dust, or heat. 

  • Semi Micro Balance

The semi-micro balance is a mix of analytical and micro balance. The nature of sensitivity is less than analytical as it can perform with a slight change in environment, heat, or moisture level. But on the other hand, it is more precise than micro balance and can weigh up to 0.00001 g to 0.0001 g precisely. Usually, these Laboratory Electronic Balance weigh small objects like grains or micro organisms that can be seen or weighed by average balance. 

  • Top Loading Balance 

Top loading or precision balance measures objects with higher weight and mass. Top-loading balances are less sensitive and can weigh up to several kilograms. They are not affected by external factors, but the level of precision can vary from object to object. 

  • Moisture Balance

Moisture balance is a different kind of balance, specially designed to determine the moisture level in any object. It has a peculiar style of work. In labs, first, they weigh the object in its raw form. Then, they heat them and evaporate all the moisture from the things. Then weigh it after the heating process. Moisture balance is sensitive, so it gives any object a highly accurate moisture balance rate. Borosilicate Glass Bottles are preferred in these measurements as they help scientists prevent most external factors from intervening in results. 

  • Portable Balance

These balances are designed to be easily transported for field use. They may have a different level of precision than an analytical or micro balance but are more versatile and robust.

  • Medical Balance

These kinds of balances are used in healthcare departments. Medical balances are highly accurate and least sensitive. They can tell precise body mass, weight, BMI, body fat, and more. Like laboratory balances, medical scales require regular calibration for accurate readings.

  • Triple Beam Balance

These kinds of balances are used in classrooms or for teaching purposes. The name triple beam is derived from its shape, as it has three beams that can precisely weigh the mass of any object. These balances are best for teaching basic physics and its laws. 

  • Platform Balance

A platform balance is a form of equal-arm balance in which two flat platforms are attached to the beam's top side, one at each end. These balances are commonly used to compare the weight of two objects or masses. 

Laboratory balance may get less attention than some conspicuous pieces of lab equipment, but their role is insignificant. They ensure the integrity and reliability of countless scientific measurements by providing accurate and precise numbers. Regarding balances, Lab Supply Australia from Westlab Australia offers different kinds of weighing scales on its website. If you are interested, you can order to get them delivered to your doorstep conveniently. 

2023-07-14 07:53:00
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